In such a situation, a fragmented world, is in the interest of no one.Ĩ) 125 years ago, the great spiritual guru Swami Vivekananda gave this message to the world during the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago. So for the sake of humanity, all the world has to unite against terror.ĥ) India’s contribution towards United Nations Peace-keeping missions has been immense, no other country in the world has sacrificed as much as India has for these peace-keeping missions.Ħ) 3000 years back great poet of India Kaniyan Pungundranar, in the oldest language of the world Tamil, said ‘Yaadhum Oore Yaavarum Kelir’, meaning ‘We harbour a feeling of kinship for all places and all people are our own.ħ) Modern technology in the 21st century, is bringing about sweeping changes in social life, personal life, economy, security, connectivity and international relations. Popular Tamil Writer Nanjil Nadan describes the meaning and greatness of Ancient Tamil Sangam Poetry, Yathum OoreYathumOoreAnthemYaadhumOoreAnthemWTCThem.

4) We believe that terrorism is not a challenge for any one country, but for all countries and of mankind as a whole.